Zombah raspberry pi sandbox

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NOOBS install from linux

  1. parted format sd to msdos label
  2. create single partition win fat
  3. mkfs.vfat -F 32 new partition
  4. unzip noobs.zip -d new partition

RPI snmp hardware monitoring



Current devel lakka branch here https://github.com/libretro/Lakka-LibreELEC is Lakka-V2.0

Install 32bit requirements:

# zypper in gcc48-32bit glibc-devel-32bit glibc-devel-static-32bit u-boot-tools

To compile:

$ git clone https://github.com/libretro/Lakka-LibreELEC.git
$ cd Lakka-LibreELEC
$ DISTRO=Lakka PROJECT=RPi2 ARCH=arm make image

Probably ggc6 is better, for compilation, will test later.

Docker on openSUSE aarch64 tw

00:15 < roox> agraf: docker isn't that hard ;-)
00:15 < roox> You can give it a try...
00:15 < roox> # zypper install docker && systemctl start docker
00:15 < roox> # docker pull arm32v7/opensuse:42.3
00:15 < roox> # sudo docker run -it arm32v7/opensuse:42.2 /bin/bash
00:15 < roox> This will give you a shell inside the container and also provides you with a 32bit environment on top of an aarch64 system
00:16 < roox> Problems started when I tried to customize this container and used zypper in the Dockerfile
00:16 < roox> Here's my current workaround that will work fine:
00:16 < roox> # sed -i 's|# arch = s390|arch = armv7hl|g' /etc/zypp/zypp.conf
00:16 < roox> # rm -rf  /etc/zypp/repos.d/*
00:16 < roox> # zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/ports/armv7hl/distribution/leap/42.3/repo/oss/ oss
00:17 < roox> Forcing the architecture in zypp.conf is required otherwise it will try to find packages for aarch64
00:19 < roox> Interestingly the issue with the wrong repositories seems to be known to the container guys...
00:19 < roox> https://github.com/openSUSE/docker-containers/pull/66